"He was far too inward-looking and concerned with the neatness of his clothes to notice her. Living with him would have been like gazing at the stars. A marriage could not be happy if the husband was prettier than the wife, that much she knew" (76),
narrator on Snow Soong.
"When I remember the things we did I seem to be recalling events from a very distant past" (127),
Snow Soong on her relationship with her husband.
"These are the things I have already lost, I know, but what will happen to the memories? Will they remain or will they slowly fade away as old photographs do, bleached to nothingness by sunlight? " (130).

"Memories are things to be buried. They die, just as people do, and with their passing, all traces of the life they once touched are erased, for ever and completely" (285).

"For a second I thought that tears had begun to form in my eyes but I blinked once, twice, and realized that it was just the dust…" (362).